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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Butterfly Effect 3

I decided to watch "Butterfly Effect 3" first because I am a big fan of the original film. I gotta say - this one is much better then Butterfly 2. Although the films did not get a good reaction from horror fans movie, frankly it wasn't so bad. I had no idea who the killer was and it just kept me guessing till the end. The story is about young man who discovers he has inherited the powers of "The Butterfly Effect" and attempts to solve the mystery of his high school girlfriend's death using his new found ability, only to unwittingly unleash a vicious serial killer. 4/5

Synopsis: The Butterfly Effect: Revelation 3 revolves around a young man who discovers he has inherited the powers of "The Butterfly Effect" and attempts to solve the mystery of his high school girlfriend's death using his new found ability, only to unwittingly unleash a vicious serial killer.

Link >> Butterfly Effects


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